Thursday 7 December 2017

Three Mistakes

To err is human. 

And I am a human being.  I have made many mistakes. Both at work and elsewhere.  After 24 + years of corporate experience, when I look back , I do not feel any regret , but I certainly feel that if I had a mentor or a guide , I could have dealt with certain situations in a much better manner. 

So I thought of penning down a few mistakes and the lessons that I have learnt from these experiences. This post is dedicated to all such professionals who struggle with office politics, deadlines and balancing work and home !

  • Never ever go into head on collision :  There have been many instances where I have felt wronged and hurt.  I have been accused of  things which I have not done or said . I have been blamed for missing deadlines when it was clear that the initial planning done to get the business was unrealistic. And many such scenarios.  Whatever be the case, we should not get into head-on collision with the boss or our colleagues. I had a tendency of writing retaliatory emails , escalating etc. but it never worked. The best way to deal with such situations is to cool down first. Then talk very very logically , with data points to explain yourself. Let the data talk.  I am not asking you to forget your hurt, but wait for the right time and the right situation when you can give it back . 

  • Never Give Up :  There were times when I felt frustrated , dejected and sorry for myself. In a few cases,  it was so bad that I gave up. I thought "enough is enough !" and I quit.  That was a mistake !  I have realized later that you can only change things if you are IN the system and not OUT of it.  And sometimes it is only you who lose because we all know that no one in indispensable.  You should think of quitting only in three situations. If you are not happy with the work , the company culture , the people and if you feel that there is no growth and learning for you.

  • Be Tactful and Make relationships : At any level, a very important thing is to be tactful.  Understand the situation, understand the people , understand the context an then make your move The main thing is that you have to get along well , as well as do the right things and get the right work done.  It is normal to be defensive or put blame on the other person . You should set yourself for success if you establish a common ground between you and your counterpart. 

As you go along in your professional life, remember to make relationships along the way. It helps in moving to greener pastures and it gives great joy to connect later in life.

I know the points sound theoritical but believe me, I have gone through these , made mistakes and have had setbacks. 

Hope you can learn from them !

Cheers !