Wednesday 27 June 2018

Ramu and the two Candles

It was a hot summer evening. 

Ramu knew that there will be long power cuts and he wanted to stock candles for the eventuality.  He went to a shop and  bought two candles worth two rupee each. When he gave a ten rupee note, the shopkeeper returned six rupees to Ramu. There was a five rupee note and two fifty paisa coins. 

When he returned home, there was no light. So Ramu lit the candle.

Accidentally, he dropped a fifty paisa coin in the dark. He looked around but could not find the coin. Slowly the candle burnt to half but Ramu was still busy looking for the coin. Gradually the candle was burnt out. So Ramu lit the second candle too and kept looking for the coin. 

A few minutes later, the second candle was also burnt out but luckily Ramu recovered the coin. 

When both the candles were gone, Ramu pondered. 

"For the fifty paisa  coin, I have burnt out candles worth four rupees. Have I gained or lost ? "

Dear Readers, what do you think ?

Here the answer is very simple but in real life , don't we do the same thing ? 

While pursuing small things , we lose sight of the bigger loss that is happening.  

We lose out on spending time with our kids and parents, having fun with friends, keeping ourselves physically and mentally fit .  

Ramu has lost. 

Let us not be a Ramu !

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